Sunday, June 13, 2010

MTC - 11 June 2010

Alright momma and papa, just keep the 40 dollars from Utah State that sounds about right so I'm happy with it. I'm not sure what your going to do with it at all, so hopefully you do good with it. Mom I can read your handwriting so don't worry about that. I'm not retarded or anything, haha. Just kidding, that wasn't supposed to be a smart alec comment back. Don't worry about my email, I'm not getting it from anybody except you or dad, but you guys have mostly been just sending Dear Elders which are good, except I don't get any from girls and my friends which is kinda depressing at times but I'm over it. The MTC has gone good. Last Saturday was horrible, we sat in class all day (they) just left us to study. It was way hard to do it, cause I would get tired and want to fall asleep, but I'm hanging in there so its no big deal. Today we went to the temple, I realized it will be the last time for 2 years until I go back to a temple again, so I took advantage of it..........The breakfast at the temple is amazing, so much better than the MTC food. But I guess the spiritual side of the temple was good... No, it was awesome today. Nothing fancy like the last week, but just the same spiritual insight for comfort and relaxation which is so so good to feel... I feel it all the time at the MTC which is cool, but everything at the temple just increases it... The subject of families has come up a ton at the temple and MTC. I wish so much that everyone in our family could see what I see... When I look at the gospel and how I feel when the spirit impacts me it can bless lives so much that we don't even know. I don't just believe this, I know it to be true. It's not just a little imagination spread in there, it is real and people can know it is real if they really have a desire to look for it. But, it's hard to get people (to have) that desire. That's what we have worked on here, to try to focus on people feeling that desire by really focusing on the spirit while teaching. For that's what really converts people, not just fancy words. And the way to convince people by making people feel the spirit and how much happiness it really brings. I did see Chase on Wednesday which was way lucky. I saw his family drop him off. I didn't get to host or anything, but it was really sad to see his family say goodbye everyone was bawling especially Madison. So, if Madison reads this tell her its gonna be alright. Chase said he really needed me there when he got dropped off for support and to know that he isn't just getting dropped off in nowhere land so I'm glad we got a chance to see each other. I really only have one chance to see him before I leave and that's on Sunday at the devotional so hopefully I do see him cause im looking forward to it. I'm not sure what to say to you all. I'm going to talk to you on Tuesday. My layover in Detriot is only an hour, so I won't have enough time to talk. I already have a calling card so don't worry about that, and tell me who I should call and stuff, dad, mom, home, or whatever. Just so I know. I probably won't write a letter this week, unless I get inspired on the plane, but I might sleep on it too. I'm planning on coming up to people at the airport and telling them about The Church of JESUS CHIRST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. It's going to be fun, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be way different going into the real world now. I kinda feel that the MTC was like jail being hidden away from the world, cause none of the windows open and it's always hot. They have a fence blocking us in probably not the right analogy to place with the MTC, but it's the only one I could come up with. Everyone in my district is awesome. I'm getting along better with my companion. I just talked with him and then myself. I just told myself to get over some things that werent' that big a deal. I just gotta focus on my attitude about everything and I'll be just fine. Send that card to grandpa and grandma when you see them mom. I think its a nice thank you letter that I might have forgotten about. I'll make sure to tell my mission president about the diabetes thing. And (monitoring) my diabetes is still going strong and perfect, so no need to worry about me. The Lord has blessed me. My average on my meter reads right now 138 for 14 days so thats pretty amazing I think. Still sorry you had to clean my room mom. Really, I am. Make sure you keep that bib number though, alright and you guys if you can send me some pics of the family together like when we were at the temple before i was dropped off and all. It would be nice, and I can't develop my camera. I need a micro sd converter into just a regular sd card so maybe you can find that. But I will talk to you on Tuesday at 5:30 I hope.

Well, I love you all still very much,

Elder Moore

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